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WhatsApp: +41 78 911 31 96
WhatsApp: +41 78 911 31 96
Marshall McLuhan
It doesn’t need to be an extravagant change in lifestyle, or going cold turkey on all we enjoy, but small changes in our daily habits can make a big difference to our own environmental impact and carbon footprints.
Our Eco Guide for Guests has a few thoughts and ideas to move us all in a cleaner and greener direction…
Our kettle can measure and heat as little as one cup. Please only heat what you need to ensure minimal waste and not to use unnecessary electricity.
The dishwasher has an eco mode, using lower temperatures and less energy to operate. Please try to only run the dishwasher when it is full, and consider using the eco-mode at night, or while you are out enjoying the day. Eco takes around 3 hours to complete.
The toaster can cook either 2 or 4 slices at a time. Please select the correct number of slices so as to reduce energy waste as part of our minimal waste approach.
It’s always best to unplug devices and chargers. They otherwise have a constant usage of power. Please unplug when not in use:
Please use when you need, but do remember to switch off when you leave the house for the day. It doesn’t take long to heat up again, and makes a big difference to energy usage And so better supports the world in it’s current crisis. By using the window blinds effectively we can also look to reduce heat loss in a simple way.
Blinds have been installed in the kitchen, and curtains throughout the house. These fittings are essential in older buildings such as this one as a way to reduce heat loss through windows. It keeps it cosy for you, and is better for the world over.
We encourage reducing waste where possible, but do understand that some waste will occur through packages, etc.
We are therefore in collaboration with a local commercial waste removal company whom we believe to have an excellent ethical waste disposal concept.
To encourage us to think about how we can make very small changes in our choices to reduce the amount of “One Time Use Plastics“.
Some great ideas: